also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!



So, what happens when you mix gods, aliens, and pro wrestling? Something like Zukahnaut! Give it a look!

You might notice there's a brand new banner above this here blog entry. That leads to the Wall of the Arcane - our spot for thanking each person who backed the chapter 5 Kickstarter. Check it out! You might find a few familiar names there.

Lastly, are you a gamer? Do you love old school monster manuals? MotA artist Gennifer Bone is illustrating a gorgeous looking monster manual called Lusus Naturae. They're holding a Kickstarter. They've already reached goal with 24 days left to go so now is a great time to hop on board!

See you tomorrow!

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