also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Commentary and plugs

Someone noted I haven't been giving much commentary with the current run of pages. I apologize for the lack of commentary but I feel this part of the story needs to tell itself. It is important for you to experience it, I think, and not have me walk you through it. So, please forgive me. Commentary will resume once this sequence is over.

Do you like Mysteries of the Arcana? I hope so, since you're reading the comic! If you do, though, you might also like Hero in Training. After three years or so of never missing an update, Stefan (Hero in Training's creator) took a well deserved break. Now, he's starting up again and I want to make sure everyone knows it.

Hero in Training is a wonderful adventure story with elements of fantasy and science fiction all laid on top of a very simple premise: heroes are both born and made. Those destined to become heroes are trained, in their dreams, to make a difference (for good or for evil) in the world. They don't remember this training when they awaken, of course, but without it they couldn't stand against the oddities and horrors that seem to naturally gravitate towards them.

Give Hero in Training a try. If the large archive is daunting, try this synopsis. Trust me, this is a comic worth reading.

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JGrey,  It's not so much the commentary I miss, it's the insight that only the author possesses.  I like to learn the hows and whys behind your story line. The little bits that make the characters more. Keith does a great job of bringing the story to life through his art, but there is so much that is understood between you two that we only get to guess at.  Your little tid bits, and the few Keith tosses out, give us a deeper insight into the story that the art only hints at.  Yes, the artwork and the story does speak very well for itself, but You and Keith are excellent tour guides on this "wild ride".

All the evils of the world can not outwiegh one act of kindness.

Submitted July 19, 2010 at 6:06AM


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Guest post by "Mitaukano"
I knew it was something bad  ;_____________; but I'm am getting an inkling now as to why she wanted to end it all. 

Submitted July 19, 2010 at 6:33PM


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Guest post by "Jeyl"
JGray: "Do you like Mysteries of the Arcana? I hope so, since you're reading the comic! If you do, though, you might also like Hero in Training."

- Chapter one cover starts with a naked guy's butt front and center. (No.)
- Four pages of naked guy holding his crotch. (No!)
- The guy is the hero. (NO!)
- Lots and lots of text (Heck no!)
- No Yuri (NOOoooo!!!!)

I think I'm going to stick with your lovely ladies on this one JGray.

Submitted July 20, 2010 at 10:31AM


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Guest post by "Jeyl"
*Looks at today's (07.21.10) Page. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JGray, you green blooded inhuman son of a........ This is revenge for what I said about "Hero in Training", isn't it?

Last edited by JGray
Edited 1 time(s).

Submitted July 21, 2010 at 4:57PM


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Guest post by "Jeyl"
Eeek. Didn't know the "No" would stretch the entire page. I can't edit it, so I suggest you put Surgeon on it.

Submitted July 21, 2010 at 4:58PM

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