I just want to remind everyone, we've been doing a page a day all week and will continue to do so until the end of next week. So, if you haven't checked since Monday, make sure to click on the back arrow a few times and see what you've missed.
Lots of...... um *clears throat* crotch shots there. But I guess that makes sense. Guys always seem to think sex is all about the crotch. But I am curious about on thing. If Theresa had a sexual relationship (whether physically or emotionally) with Debbie, why did she freak out when Chrys kissed her or wanted to cuddle?
All the evils of the world can not outwiegh one act of kindness.
Submitted July 15, 2010 at 4:22AM
weertangel *Guest*
Guest post by "weertangel"
From what i have seen so far, this might get very interesting!
aside from the webcomics i follow, i have become totally hooked to an 80's ,manga named OH! my Goddes! even ordered the 2 first volumes of the series! if u like romance mixed with humor and a little action from time to time, go check it out!! i got me the anime series(2 seasons) the OVA, and the movie(!) so guess what i'll gonna do the rest of the week
Submitted July 15, 2010 at 5:55AM
I won't deny the placement of the kissing scene doesn't have some symbolism but it also happens to be opportunity. That's just where it landed as we moved up the body from feet up.
Submitted July 16, 2010 at 4:22PM
weertangel *Guest*
Guest post by "weertangel" Hmmm we have an eyeless unknown person in the saturday update, is that by any chance her dad??
Submitted July 17, 2010 at 5:07AM
Nope, not her dad. Go peek back at some of her memory sequences to get a glimpse. It's a trend I've kept to for her flashbacks.
Submitted July 17, 2010 at 5:10AM
Obviously it's "the boyfriend". Explaining the whole kiss thing must not be working out very well. He must have been a great guy, because most pigs would be all "can I watch?" A kiss is a very intimate thing, I can understand how he would see it as a big betrayal. Especially if he's only made it to first base himself. But serioulsy, if you want to know what Keith looked like in high school, there you go! 'cept with eyes. Green/grey ones.
All the evils of the world can not outwiegh one act of kindness.
Submitted July 17, 2010 at 7:06AM
Oh look, there's the fore mentioned pig now!And he looks familiar too.Anyone else having high school flashbacks?
All the evils of the world can not outwiegh one act of kindness.
Submitted July 18, 2010 at 3:32AM
weertangel *Guest*
Guest post by "weertangel"
I have a flashback were a girl asked if she could join in to!
or is that my imagination again??? so hard to tell sometimes...
still,whats the deal with the eyes? are't we allowed to see them?
Submitted July 19, 2010 at 12:21PM
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