An Update!![]() Apologies for the delay, life seems to be getting the better of both J and myself as of late. Chrys sure does love that bathrobe, doesn't she? Speaking of things like that, one thing that I've always tried to do, and J's been pretty good about it too, is having different outfits for the characters, both in style and color (sans Theresa a lot of the time, she likes her green and khaki colors, and Kludge, because he likes his earthy tones), to help convey more information about the characters. Mostly that's Melody and Chrys, of course, who tend to show off a bit more skin upon occasion, than the rest of the cast. I even go so far as to duck about online and look at various fashion trends and attempt to find some way to somewhat incorporate elements of that into the looks. See you guys on Thursday! |