Key to the Future's Fate
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also by the MotA team
  • >Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year, everyone! Welcome to the first page of 2014.

I'm pleased to say we had four entrants for the Theresa/Devil prototype tarot card. Those will be sent out in the mail to the lucky winners sometime soon. Congrats and thank you to Brian, Gunsolo, Comic Reader, and Tony.

With the holidays over, we're back on schedule. I don't anticipate any further breaks until the chapter is done. Which means the Telling can continue with the war between the Four Families and the Newcomers. Something to remember with the current page - Melody has never, in the Telling, referred to the Four Families or the Newcomers as the Minor or Major Arcana. So, when she says the battlegrounds were the arcana, she means the universes created by the Four Families.

What do you think of Keith's work on this page? He did some amazing texturing on the planets and that volcano, didn't he?