also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Legacy of The Fool-Chapter 1 Cover


January is quickly approaching! I hope you guys are all ready! I know we're excited on this end. But either way! Here's the cover.

For now, I'm thinking we're going to be starting off with a comic a week, posting on Mondays. Patreon will get the pages one week ahead of site publishing here. Any support we get through the patreon itself will be used to pay Sabrena and myself, as well as maintain the site, domain, and such.

You can join the Patreon Here!

Don't forget to join the Discord, as well. The comic will be cross-shared there to the discord forum for discussions, and you can interact with us as well! Here!

See you there, guys!

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Hey, good news for once... the server was migrated and the code still works so the website isn't going anywhere afaik, as long as J keeps the domain registered.

Submitted December 17, 2024 at 9:47PM

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