also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Close to the End


And here we are, wondering and making connections and trying to figure things out! If this were a TV show I'd have one of those cameras that circle around the table to get everyone nice and dizzy. But, since we're a comic, none of that fancy high tech stuff for us!

I'm leaving the poll open for a few more days. There you can vote on who you want to be in the next set of short comics that'll make up chapter 7. Go vote if you haven't! The fate of the free world depends on it!

So... what's everyone playing, video game wise? I've been sucked into Avengers Academy myself. I've got Far Harbor and Disgaea 5 but haven't started them yet.

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Guest post by "Aleena"

Loads and loads of Stellaris multiplayer. Using my space elf mod, of course.

I play Star Trek Online on a very regular basis. I really like some of the outfits I've earned. The current event, Crystalline Catastrophe, is a great way to earn dilithium.

I also still enjoy Skyrim. Were Bethesda not charging $90 for the cheapest version of Fallout 4 (and another $60 for the DLC, because fuck Canada apparently) I might be playing it.

Submitted June 7, 2016 at 12:48AM


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Guest post by "Adamas"
I have a couple tips for Far Harbor. BRING NICK, some leaded armor and anti-rad chems (the main weapon for the Children does more rad damage than a Gamma Gun, not to mention the fog's low level rads), and be prepared to get one-shotted a fair bit. I had a lvl 40 get one-shoted multiple times by some of the critters.Those bloody Gulpers can be tougher than a Deathclaw.

Submitted June 8, 2016 at 1:02AM

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