also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

A New Month Arrives! Fight!


Happy February all! I think I was in my mid-teens before I figured out how to spell that word right. February. Not Feburary or Februrary. Or something with an 'e' in it somewhere. Truth be told, I'm a terrible speller. Also, my handwriting was so bad my teachers just flat out told my parents to get me a computer.

So, Chrys's plan for peace isn't going well, is it? And Theresa's introducing a little bit of information from our world. Of course, she's overly cynical. Occasionally our peace talks do work but only after years of conflict. Look at how long it took the end the "troubles" in Ireland, for example. And while things look promising between Columbia and FARC that could all still collapse.

I'm not going to make a big speech but I will remind everyone that Flaming Crab Games is holding a Kickstarter to fund their Letters from the Flaming Crab line, which I'm in charge of. 12 Pathfinder-compatible game books, 12 unique topics. Please consider backing us. We're just over halfway towards our goal of actually being able to pay the writers and editor (which would be me).

See you Thursday!

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Hyratel"
wait a minute. where did all the acorns go... what happened to them. ... Why aren't there enough acorns for both factions.... Wink

Submitted February 1, 2016 at 5:00PM


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Guest post by "TheDerangedOne"
How to fix problem: Get food for the furry buggers to get through the winter, preferably renewable; then do that talk of peace and all that.

Though I'm pretty sure that mr. anger and smiles could fix this whole predicament if they were so inclined since I'm fairly certain that food is easier to get then guns, but what do I know.

Submitted February 2, 2016 at 9:02AM


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Guest post by "Anonymous"

Quote from Hyratel:
Guest post by "Hyratel"
wait a minute. where did all the acorns go... what happened to them. ... Why aren't there enough acorns for both factions.... Wink

They probably used them to pay for the guns. I'm almost certain that is what is going to happen.

Submitted February 3, 2016 at 4:51AM

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