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Commission Keith W!

More Guns!


That Theresa. She can't see a gun without wanting to get her hands on it...

More seriously, when I was writing this chapter Keith and I had a lot of back and forth discussion on what sort of firearms the viquirrels would be carrying. We tried to stay in the WWI era in terms of what rifles we'd model from and, in the end, picked something Keith could work with. I'm glad his knowledge of firearms is so much more comprehensive than mine.

Has anyone read Jim Butcher's new book yet? I've got it on hold at the library but I'm 18th in line for it. I don't expect to read it until sometime in November.

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Guest post by "Aeternus"
Squirrely wrath... Foamy would be proud. That said, if Teresa has perfect marksmanship with a simple pistol, and that ability translates over to all firearms... she just became an order of magnitude more dangerous.

Submitted October 6, 2015 at 2:48AM


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Guest post by "Adamas"
Theresa's ability is to know an enemy's weakest point. We know her father probably taught her basic marksmanship which translates between firearms. But It would be interesting if her gift's "knowledge" changes based on the weapon (Like if she was having to use a sword, would she know if it'd be better to slash or thrust?)

Submitted October 6, 2015 at 11:49AM


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Guest post by "Lukkai"
Looks quite influenced by ye good ole Tommygun to me.

And surely, if I were in Theresa's position, I'd ask for a gun myself. Trying to get some clues from the design. Especially when they already looked somewhat familiar to me.

@Aeternus: I can safely say that good skills with a rifle do not necessarily translate to pistols as well and vice versa. At least not completely.

Submitted October 6, 2015 at 8:44AM


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Guest post by "Adamas"
The basics tend to be the same. Although there are techniques that are different between them.

Submitted October 6, 2015 at 11:52AM

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