also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Happy Holiday!


I was very pleased to see some conversation about the last page! Some excellent points were brought up about how unblack and white the rules in the Bible (especially those about killing) are. Some lovely thoughts about the simplification process that has occurred over the centuries during various translations of the Bible as well.

Now, we get the counter argument. Chrys having a bit of common sense - and looking fabulous while doing it. Seriously, Keith did an amazing job illustrating our dreamer protagonist for this page.

I hope all our Canadian readers had an exceptional Canada day and I hope all the American ones have a great 4th of July. I hope everyone else has an awesome weekend!

See you Monday.

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Guest post by "Nathan"
Actually, I really like what Chrys says about it not being murder it great because the Christian "Thou shall not kill" is a mistranslation from the Torah (Jewish bible). The commandment would be correctly translated as "Thou shall not murder". This is an important distinction that Chrys makes, not all killing is murder. The Torah is actually not as black and white as the Christian Bible is and takes into account that sometimes killing--such as what Theresa did--is necessary and justified, to save lives for instance.

Submitted July 2, 2015 at 8:35PM


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Guest post by "Fairportfan"

In fact, the word translated as "murder" more nearly means "to kill a member of your own tribe".

My own command is "Thou shalt remain alive."

As Matt Helm says in one of the later books - "As far as i'm concerned, there's 'Us' and 'Them'.  That over there used to be a 'Them'."

Submitted July 2, 2015 at 9:11PM

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