also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Whole mess of stuff


Hidden Name: Erin Subramanian

Now, gee. I wonder who could be playing with that rifle and preventing that very nice sniper from headshotting Melody?

My bet's on Blue. Yep. Blue is obviously behind these telekinetic tricks!


Moving on! Have you ever read Snow by Night? Historical fantasy is an underappreciated genre in the webcomic world. Few people really play in that sandbox. Snow by Night does and does so with style, gorgeous art, and riveting plotlines. Interested in the tale of a winter spirit on a quest that takes her through the forests, hills and towns of Colonial days? Then I suggest reading Snow by Night. Here's a little sample of the awesome.

In other news! Royal Road Studios (aka, the group comic creating awesome that is myself and Keith) are moving towards Silver City, a diverse superhero webcomic. To that end, we've set up a Patreon. We're funding by the page and have a plan of releasing 1 page per week, currently. We've already reached our first goal - $50. That is what we needed to release Silver City in webcomic form. That will pay JD for hosting, pay for Keith's art supplies and provide a bit of funding for his day to day life (Keith's a professional artist - he makes his meager, yet rewarding, living off his art). I hope you'll consider pitching in. Our next goal, $100, will allow us to give PDFs of each issue (22-24 pages) to every patron.

Speaking of fundraising! As many of you are aware, this chapter was funded by Kickstarter. I've been quiet on that front this summer due to real world issues. I apologize for that. However, we are moving forward. I am waiting for about eight pages of art (seven comic pages and one poster page) and then we'll have everything we need to start sending out rewards. I haven't forgotten how generous each and every one of you were. Thank you.

See you Thursday!