also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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A Slight Delay


I want to apologize, everyone. Keith was out of town for the weekend and weather snuck up on him, forcing a small extension to his visit. The long and the short of it is it isn't safe for him to return him just yet and, since he isn't home, he can't do the last little touch up details on the next page. We expect to have the next page of Mysteries of the Arcana posted either late Monday (2/3) or sometime on Tuesday (2/4).

Again, we apologize for the delay and promise the page is going to be coming soon.

While you're reading, let me take this opportunity to announce that thanks to the generosity of many, many people our Kickstarter for chapter 5 has not only reached the main goal but hit our first two stretch goals!

That means chapter 5 will happen! 67 pages long, chapter 5 is action packed and fast-paced but I promise there'll be a kiss somewhere in the mix.

In addition, we'll be creating two new stories set in the Mysteries of the Arcana multiverse! The first will take place between chapters 1 and 2. We'll get a glimpse of what happens when Theresa returns home. This story will be illustrated by Tiffany Munroe of Stargazer's Gate. The story will be available in the digital trade edition of chapter 1 as a bonus.

The second story will actually be taking place before chapter 1! It will tell the story of how Mandrake came to live at the Inn and should be adorable. I'm hoping to announce who the artist for the story is very soon. The story will be available in the digital trade edition of chapter 2 as a bonus.

We've still got four more days until the Kickstarter ends! I admit hitting our next stretch goal is a bit of a, well, stretch (we're at $4555 and to next goal is $5,700) but anything is possible! More importantly, every extra dollar we get is an extra dollar to help make Mysteries of the Arcana a better comic.

Thank you!