also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Damn but that's a dramatic piece of art. I'm always amazed at how well Keith dresses up my words. 'Keith, make a cool one panel fight scene' turns into what you see today. Any guesses on who wins? The Wanderer or the Transformer?

Our Kickstarter is doing amazingly! As I write this we're at $3,353 out of $4,100 with 14 days left! On Monday I mentioned a challenge - that if we raised $3,250 by Monday's end everyone who backs us at the $10 or higher level would get a Mandrake inspired Moon tarot card. Well, I'm pleased to say we DID meet that goal! So, Mandrake Moon cards for almost everyone!

In fact, our Kickstarter is doing so well we've announced our stretch goals. They are:

  • At $4,300 we're creating a new, illustrated 5-7 page story entitled "Narrow" which will feature Theresa and take place not long after her return from the Devil. The premise: what happens when Theresa goes back home again? The story will be added as an extra in the digital trade copy of Chapter 1 which is available starting at the $10 level.
  • At $4,500 we're creating a new, illustrated 5-7 page story staring Mandrake! I'm still working out the plotting but the story will give us our first glimpse of the Moon, Mandrake's home arcana - a land of fairy-tale creatures living a cyberpunk lifestyle. The story will be added as an extra in the digital trade copy of Chapter 2 which is available starting at the $15 level.
  • If we're fortunate enough to reach $5,700 we'll put out part one of a fully acted audio production entitled "Stolen Knowledge". The story will take place after Chapter 5 and features Theresa and Chrys tracking down a turtle stolen from the Ace of Cups! Everyone who backs us with $10 or more will get this production.
  • And if we're really lucky and reach $6,700 well put out part two of "Stolen Knowledge". Obviously we plan to finish the audio production even if we don't reach this goal but it will take more time to raise the funds to pay the voice actors. Again, everyone who backs us with $10 or more will get both audio dramas if we reach this level.

So, please consider helping us out! Mysteries of the Arcana has some great plans in store but we need your help.

See you next Monday!