also by the MotA team
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  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Some Backstory

Thus far, we've seen a few major arcana and a few minor arcana. There hasn't been a lot of detailed backstory on any of them. No one explained how the Knower got so big or why the Royal Road exists.

So many people showed interest in the Horrors, however, that I decided to tell their story. Over this and the next few pages you'll find out how the horrors went from yuppies to super powered terrors.

Keep in mind as you read that this arcana is the Tower. The Tower is a card of the ruin that comes after building to great heights.

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Guest post by "Ketira"
That's the usual meaning from the Rider-Waite deck.  The way I see it is a bit more positive:  You've got so much creative energy flowing that you're not sure what to do with it, and if you don't do something, it's going to burst out of you on its own.  I guess it's because of the deck I use ("The Witch's Tarot" by Ellen Canon Reed); she decided to depict that card with lightning coming from the inside out & flowing over the Tower as well as into the sky.

Submitted June 2, 2011 at 7:55PM


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Guest post by "Ketira"
oh, and yowl at me on Twitter (yes, I use this name there  Wink ) if you want to see the image of that particular card.  Some of the cards I can't show online because they're NSFW --like "The Lovers".  

Submitted June 2, 2011 at 7:58PM


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Guest post by "adamas"
That is the first time I've heard a non-"OH- S#!7" reading of the Tower.

Submitted June 2, 2011 at 8:55PM


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The destruction represented by the Tower is needed. Without tearing down old ideas, new ones can't grow. Stone from the tower can be used to build new structures. In a way, the milestones of our life are the Tower. Graduating from high school. Moving away from home for the first time. Moving to a new job or home. Getting married. Having children. They all require you to let go (destroy) the old in order to move forward to the new.

Submitted June 2, 2011 at 9:23PM


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Guest post by "Pseudo"
I was reluctant to warm up to Jessicas flat style in the last page, but I'm loving the art-deco vibe of Williams story.  Airships!  And don't forget to come back to the Knower and the royal road sometime...

Submitted June 2, 2011 at 10:06PM


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Guest post by "Ayshara"
As someone who dabbles in the tarot as well, J is 100% correct. It's like the Death card; while it can mean death in the literal sense, it more often then not means death to ideas, or letting go of any habits that hold you back (such as fear).

Submitted June 3, 2011 at 10:49PM


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Guest post by "adamas"
Yeah I know. I was refering to the near-universal dread most people meet the Tower,Devil,and Death cards with.

Submitted June 4, 2011 at 9:41AM


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Guest post by "Ayshara"
*shrug* As far as that goes, it has to do with conditioning; Two of the three can be put on society in general, the third... you know where that blame goes.

Submitted June 6, 2011 at 11:05AM

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