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Commission Keith W!

Recap on William's Sword

It has been a while since William's sword has made an appearance so let me refresh the memory.

William wields a Hunger Null Sword. Inside the hilt is a sentient black hole which William defeated and made a compact with. At rest, the hilt is just that. A hilt. When activated, the black hole emerges in the form of a blade, surrounded by a quantum field. When in this state, the sword functions much like a normal, though strong, blade, with the stabbing and the cutting.

When the quantum field is turned off, the black hole begins eating. Willpower is required on William's part to constrain the black hole to eating just his opponent and not, say, the entire world.

William can only disengage the quantum field once per combat. In D&D 4E terms, this is an encounter power. He's reluctant to use the ability when he knows he has a long day ahead of him because the contest of wills to reign the black hole in can be draining.

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Guest post by "Mei"
I took ballet lessons till i was 7, but I never learned how to kill someone witha tennis racket! (ironically, i now play tennis)

Submitted April 5, 2011 at 5:38PM


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Guest post by "Bobson"
I've always found the concept of a "once per combat" thing odd.  Why can Willliam only turn it off once per combat?  Does it just take too much mental energy to turn it back on while in combat?

Submitted April 6, 2011 at 8:26AM


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In this case, its the deal he made with the black hole. It specifies he can only use it once per combat. There are other conditions as well, but apparently deals with sentient black holes are very, very formal.

Submitted April 6, 2011 at 10:44AM

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