also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Artist Wanted

Hey folks! Keith's been working for over two years straight, reliably pumping out two pages a week every week. What does that mean?

It means he is a little burned out. I don't blame him. Remember, he's doing this on top of having a job and a regular life. This isn't what he does for a living. He does this after he does what he does for a living.

So, the long and a short? He needs a break to get back in touch with his inner artist. That doesn't mean MotA takes a break, however. Someone will have to pitch hit for Keith until he's ready to get back in the game.

This is a paying gig. Full rights and ownership remain with me while any original art produced remains the property of the owner. I need two full color pages per week, each containing between 2 and 6 panels (usually). There's no need to match Keith's style or duplicate his work.

Interested or know someone who is interested? Contact me at mysteriesofthearcana (at) gmail (dot) com or through the contact link here on the site.

The sooner I find someone who can work well as part of our team, the sooner we can get back on schedule.