also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Sickness and Snow

Between the sickness and the snow, life hasn't been easy for Keith in the last week. That's the reason behind late pages and only black and white pages. As Keith (and the weather) get better, things should get back to normal.

What did you guys think of the top ten? Would you like to see more stuff on video games here? Or are my thoughts on the topic not interesting enough?

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Guest post by "Anonymous"
I loved the top ten.  I had never heard of several and it piqued my interest.  Missing: Chell from Portal.

Submitted January 13, 2011 at 2:09AM


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Guest post by "J"
I am okay with more video game things would work great with vote incentives.

Submitted January 13, 2011 at 6:21AM


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Guest post by "Ayra"

The only thing that'd make Theresa cooler right now is if she'd also be killing two vampires at once with those flying stakes.

Don't worry about the non-colored pages: They still look pretty darn good Smile So it's definitively better to get a black and white page than no page at all (Though it's better no pages at all instead of making yourself more sick making one).

I definitively liked the top 10 personally, even if I hadn't ever heard of half the games mentionned: It makes good incentive to give a look-see at them, actually! I definitively don't mind more stuff about games but not at the cost of dropping Mysteries of the Arcana completely, of course.

Submitted January 13, 2011 at 7:38AM


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Guest post by "Wolfgang"
Do dogboy's people just suck at driving stakes or is Theresa insanely strong (or maybe the ground is just very bad at holding stakes)? In my experience, pulling a stake straight out is often difficult. Pulling one out sideways seems like it would be more difficult. It might be possible to loosen it with repeated little tugs, but that seems more time consuming than what we see here.

Only thing I don't like about the top ten is that I couldn't find them to look back on them.

Submitted January 13, 2011 at 11:12AM


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The coloring looks great. Good job Keith!  And seriously if Dogboy wanted Theresa dead or contained, she'd be dead or contained.  She is totally spoiling a brilliant plan of William's to save her bitchy ass.

All the evils of the world can not outwiegh one act of kindness.

Submitted January 13, 2011 at 12:42PM


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Guest post by "Gillsing"

Perhaps he didn't need her to remain contained, but rather just appear contained for long enough to execute his brilliant plan?

As for the top 10, I never played any of the games, so I don't really have an opinion on the list. I had already read about Beyond Good and Evil, and while it seems like a game I could enjoy, I doubt that I'll ever get around to play it. Looks like my current computer can't even handle 3D graphics, but maybe I'll buy a new one this year. Maybe.

Submitted January 13, 2011 at 4:33PM


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Guest post by "Katy"
Personally I have absolutely no interest in video games - I skipped over the whole thing.  I'm here for the comic!  :-)  But you do whatever you want for fillers or little breaks - no one puts a gun to a person's head and forces them to read something they aren't interested in - as I said, I just clicked through them and went on with the story.

Submitted April 2, 2011 at 8:39AM

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