also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

I admit...

Hello to visitors from Strawberry Deathcake. I want to thank Elliot for the plug and hope anyone he sends this way enjoys Mysteries of the Arcana. Please, let us know what you think!

I admit I was a bit worried. Keith's internet is still down and so he has to either "borrow" wifi or make a visit to a wifi hotspot or a library in order to upload a page. I was worried we wouldn't meet our deadline.

Which just goes to show what a professional attitude Keith has. He made sure to get the page done, done on time, and uploaded early enough that I'd know it would be up. Thanks, Keith.

It also goes to show how precarious webcomics are. Few of us are doing this as our primary profession. Too much time taken by work, family, illness, friends in trouble... and it is easy for the webcomic to fall by the wayside and an update to be missed. There's a lot of factors involved. Did I get the script into Keith on time. Will he get in done in time to find a wifi hotspot and upload it?

So, remember to say thank you to Keith if you enjoy today's page. Without him going to extra mile there's no way it would have happened.

By the way, that's the goo Theresa threw up several pages back. Think its friendly goo?

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Everyone give Keith a round of applause! It's definately not easy to find a free wifi connection or hotspot in this town.  His dedication to your entertainment is worthy of admiration.

JGrey, is goo ever friendly?  The way it's going up between her legs, it looks like pervert goo to me!  Must be male goo.   Even if it's related to the vomit goo from the earlier page, truth goo wouldn't necissarily be friendly goo.  But I hope it's not too unfriendly, goo is natoriouly hard to kill.  *thinking about Bob from Monsters Vs Aliens*

All the evils of the world can not outwiegh one act of kindness.

Submitted June 24, 2010 at 12:16AM


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Guest post by "Mitaukano"

Thanks so much Keith, I know how it is when you need to update and you have no interwebs. I had to go to Starbucks a few times when I got out of the hospital, and I did not even bother trying to get wifi in said hospital. 

I believe this goo, is the goo of self-wisdom? Alternatively, perhaps the goo of Teresa's own self-loathing? She seems to not like a lot about herself, as evidenced when we first met her and her violent reactions to Chrys' err affections a bit ago. In addition, from the way Chrys said she was sorry on the last page, I get the feeling this will be painful for Teresa emotionally and perhaps not physically. These are just my crazy lady speculations though.

Submitted June 24, 2010 at 1:18AM


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Guest post by "Elliotd"
thanx for the updates Keith, im always looking forward to new pages, everything is beautifully draw and crafted plus Jgrays writing is amazing.
I believe that is the goo of Death! now would be a good time run!

Submitted June 24, 2010 at 8:25AM


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Guest post by "weertangel"

First, all thanks to Keith for the on time update, i myself have cable at home so i have no idea how it works where u guys live, but still great he was able to make it Smile

As for the goo, i have killed eneugh oozes and slimes in WoW to know that they never are friendly, and are either made of biting acid or they poison u...

either way, it ain't pretty!

Submitted June 24, 2010 at 11:40AM


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Guest post by "Jeyl"
"By the way, that's the goo Theresa threw up several pages back. Think its friendly goo?"

Hmm, a slimy substance that's crawling up her legs with the biggest part of the goo steadily growing in between her---

NO!!!!! It is not friendly goo.

btw, I think that third panel is the best Theresa has looked in a while.

Submitted June 24, 2010 at 1:35PM


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Guest post by "JD"
Goo... Slime... Oooze...
Sure!  Everybody has already pointed it out, without coming right out and saying it.  It's tentacle-rape goo!  Theresa needs to do a quick change into her hentai heroine costume and prepare for battle!

Submitted June 24, 2010 at 5:13PM


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Guest post by "Jeyl"
JD: "It's tentacle-rape goo!"

Holy sh*%!!!!! So that's why Chrys was apologizing! She knew this would happen! Who the heck just sits around waiting for something vague to happen, and let a potential love interest just wonder off by herself in a world she's not familiar with? Theresa is going to get raped, and Chrys wants it to happen!

JGray, you vicious bas%$#@!!!!!!!

Submitted June 24, 2010 at 8:12PM


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I promise! No tentacle rape!

Note to self: goo just always looks pervy. Except when it is Blue. Blue's oddly cute. Suddenly, though, I have to wonder why the Legion of Superheroes kept Proty around...

Anyway. Mitaukano, nice speculation. We'll see if you're right soon! And by soon I mean by the end of the storyline. Jeyl, Keith will be glad to hear you liked the art in panel 3. I think its pretty spiffy myself.

Submitted June 25, 2010 at 8:06AM


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Guest post by "Kajun"

Hey, just dropped in from the link on SDC a few days ago. I wanted to say awesome job with this whole webcomic, I went back and read it all and my only disappoint was....

There wasn't more pages yet Smile amazing work guys. Please keep it up I just bookmarked arcana and plan to check back regularly.

Submitted June 25, 2010 at 8:24AM


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Guest post by "Gillsing"

What, no tentacle rape? But I had such hopes... Cry

No, you're right. No tentacle rape. For that is not male goo, that is female goo! It came from a female, and now it's slithering up that leg to get a good grip and drag her down into her past, so they can talk about her feelings. Just like a woman! Wink

Thanks for the extra mile, Keith. And thanks for the regular ones as well.

Submitted June 25, 2010 at 8:49AM

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