also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

The Top Ten Women in Games...

So, here's the gist of it. I've made a list of the top ten video game women of 2010. The list is based on my personal gaming experience of the year. Thus, to qualify a woman had to:

A) Be in a video game.
B) Be in a video game I played this year.

Video game and computer game are interchangable terms here.

Instead of putting up a new blog posting every day, I'm gonna just put up this one post so people can reply on it. What do you think of my picks? What would your picks be and why? I'm hoping this will be the most commented blog entry on MotA ever!

Also, happy holidays!

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Ayra, very good call on Shepard. As you can see, I agree with you there and made femShep my #1 choice.

J, as far as I can tell, Beyond Good and Evil HD is only going to be available on the PS3 and 360. But if it sells well, it isn't hard to translate from the 360 to Windows so, hopefully it'll show up on Steam.

Soysauce, I considered GlaDos but, unfortunately, I played Portal in 2009, not 2010. Otherwise she might have made the list.

Submitted January 2, 2011 at 9:38AM

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