also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "TC"
XV is okay so far, if a bit of the easy side combat wise (husband's words, not mine).  Original audio flows better, compared to the english version, but that's just my opinion.  I feel like the Kingsglaive movie that came out just before spoils a liiiittle too much in some areas.  Of course, I can say I enjoy the characters' personalities because I grew up a jrock weeaboo, so I think they are adorable at times (namely Prompto).  I found myself subconsciously shipping him with Gladiolus the other day while the hubs was playing, primarily because of their size difference (smallest and largest of the group, respectively), but I think it's because I like the idea of that dynamic (I shipped Sailors Jupiter and Mercury when I was younger).  

If you do primarily story missions, the game is something like 5 hours, supposedly.  But the level grinding is in the form of hunting missions you pick up mostly from the Diners in the areas.

Back on topic: I'm so glad Mandrake didn't get herself eaten, because these pages have been hilarious.