also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "TheDerangedOne"
Fucking hell, the classic "Change your appearance to mess with a protagonist's head" trick? Theresa, what you're seeing is already missing a quarter of their head and half their brain to go with it, shooting them would be a mercy because whatever life that's available from that ain't worth living.

But then again I'm jaded as fuck so that's probably something I'd only find easy to do. Then again the whole appearance change also wouldn't work on me since I've seen that trick too many times not to notice it. I was going to say not that stupid but this is more of an emotional play than an intelligence one. That said, here comes dramatic, and not all that legal practice, therapy.

Edit: wait no, that's a third of her head. Either way, still ain't the person you know and regret shooting, put them back down in the ground so they can rest.