also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "mythtress"
Whew.  Favorite is hard-- I fell in love with the story and the unfolding world.  The first is a great introduction, to the characters, the world, the whimsy and the magic...  The second must be loved for being turtles "all the way down", and an amazingly powerful catharsis, despite being both abrupt and brief.  The art and the writing worked well together in getting that through.  The third is just delightful, with great character development and some piquant satire.  The fourth, well, I do love a good creation story.  The fifth had lots of great opportunities for everyone to do what they do best, and its always fun to see a crew in action.  The bad guys' crew seemed like interesting characters in their own right, and the smooth accomplishment of the adventure ( if that's not an antiphrasis) was surprisingly well counterpointed by the rough emotional difficulty.  This was almost my pick for favorite for that reason.  I'm going to pick the sixth as my favorite, though, because even though this chapter's been a little focused on Chrys and Theresa, it feels like the story is really getting traction.  I love the exploration of the Fool, the sense of the card's meaning in the structure of the place.  I love the way Theresa very matter-of-factly sets Chrys up for doing what she wants.  I think that sense of traction is from a good balance of the whimsical with the creepy or powerful.  Yes.  That balance is at the root (ha ha) of everything I love about this chapter: the exploration with the "best equipment", Theresa's maneuver, the signpost, the poetry, the squirrel war... I honestly expected Mr. Myst and Mr. Eerie (mystery or eerie mist?) to be the same entity.  Still not sure they're not, somehow.
My least favorite was Chapter 4, in minor part 'cause i can't see Theresa choosing a strappy little dress for any reason -- where's she gonna put the gun?  But mostly because I love a good creation story and this one felt... incomplete.  Maybe it *is* incomplete and she's still gathering stories, but the presentation made it seem as though it were full and final...  Aspects of it I really liked, e.g. the Major Arcana being born from the dreams of the living (!); and others just didn't seem to click together, or click into place, or something...  I could go into length about the questions the story raised for me, but that might be better done in another comment, or an email... this seems to have run rather long already.