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Guest post by "TheDerangedOne"

Quote from JGray:
Oh, no! Mister Mist isn't that sort of arms dealer! He promises he's only sold to the greys!

... 5 bucks says that all his "guarantees", "promises", and "assurances" are chock full of BS. Mister Mist gives me a slimy vibe, So I feel like I can trust his word on anything except maybe weapons but... arms dealers that deal in shoddy goods don't tend to live very long, rarely even getting past short term runs.

That and such promises about not being that kind of arms dealer is the typical line of the more shady double side supplying arms dealer types.
I'll trust an arms dealer that openly admits selling arms to both sides of a conflict in this situation than one that denies such things... and things were much more tame before they showed up.