also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Yeah, it sounds like an ad redirect, most likely from a toolbar or some addon. Ads are targeted to preferences and past activity, so somewhere along the line you must have had a passing interest in gardening... or you've got a bug. Possibly a worm.

You can try disabling redirects in your browser, which may have the effect of you having to approve any page redirect, like after posting a comment here. You could also uninstall toolbars and disable browser addons. Probably not a virus, unless the gardening site is trying to sow seeds of corruption in your computer. Disabling redirects and addons should be pretty simple in Chrome or Firefox. If you're using Internet Explorer, well, the dark lord already has its claws in your soul.

Hope this helps!  Reading