also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Comic Information

Hello! Here we are on page 11 of the Telling. I don't know which I love better: the sword eyes, the rainbow ocean, or the fish guy.

Now, onto some reminders and information. 

First, you can follow me on Twitter. I tweet about the comic but also offer general thoughts on webcomics and other geekdom. I'm pretty responsive so if you have questions or comments I promise to respond.

Mysteries of the Arcana is available on Comic Rocket, a service that allows you to read your webcomics and save your place. Its sort of a comic specific RSS interface. Right now I have 54 subscribers. I'd love more.

You can also follow Mysteries of the Arcana on InkOutbreak. A similar service to Comic Rocket.

That's all for now. See everyone next week!