also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "WW"
Hey, great to see the comic returning! I don't remember when I started reading, but I've been here for some time. I've just never commented anything.

I actually stopped reading few pages before the hiatus in order to build a buffer, so I never even knew about it before this summer when I suddenly started thinking about "that tarot comic". But because I'm terrible when it comes to names, I just couldn't remember the name. The closest I got was Realms of Arkania, but that turned out to be a DOS game I tried out once.

I tried pretty much every variation of "tarot centered webcomic" on Google search and even dug through an entire webcomic review website, but nothing turned up. I was kinda terrified.

As a last resort I turned to the character names, but all I could remember at first was Blue, which wasn't very helpful. Then as I dug through my memories I remembered William and Chrys. I finally found MotA again when I googled "william chrys elf" which brought me it's a TV Tropes article, only to find out the hiatus. It was quite an adventure. Smile

I really have no idea how I even could forget the name. MotA is one of my favourite webcomics.