also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Mysteries of the Arcana *is* Returning

Hello, everyone. Its J. Not sure who is still reading this, especially since Google Reader shut down and I'm sure that screwed with RSS feeds but here's a status update. I'm going to break it down into two parts. First, what happened. Second, what's going to happen.

What happened

I could go into a long and complex explanation about insecurities and depressions but that would be whining and complaining. The truth is, I punked out and I got scared and it was just easier to pretend the comic didn't exist than deal with my inner demons. 

I'm sorry about that. The readers of Mysteries of the Arcana, who supported the comic through thick and thin, deserved better than I gave them.

What's going to happen

What's going to happen is the comic is returning. We're going to finish out this chapter and continue. Gennifer has, since our last page, become something of a hotshot in the RPG art world. Seriously. Go to or Drive Thru RPG and enter Gennifer Bone in the search field and a ton of books will pop up! She's got some serious art chops going and a lot on her plate in terms of work. Because of that, I've had to search for a new artist. Luckily, Keith W just happened to have a hole in his schedule that needed filling.

That's right. The original artist of MotA is coming back to help out. He's been very gracious about agreeing to "return to his roots". I'm thrilled to be working with him again.

I'm in the process of writing and rewriting. Then he'll begin drawing. We're going to try to get some pages under our belt and build up a buffer before we begin posting so please bear with us for a few more weeks. It might not be until the beginning of November before we are ready to go.

But we WILL be ready to go.

In the meanwhile, we'll post a few updates. Examples of art. Things to show we're alive and not flaking out again. 

Also, and I hate to do this without real proof that the comic is back, but art isn't cheap. Keith's being very nice about working with a down payment and a promise of full rates ($20 a page) down the line. Once we have this chapter done, we're going to try a Kickstarter to raise operating capital and maybe even get a print edition. Until that time, if anyone can see it in their heart to donate funds, we'd appreciate it. That will help make sure Keith has art supplies and food. However, given the long hiatus the comic had, if you want to wait until there is proof that the comic is coming back? We understand that. The important thing is that you come and read Mysteries of the Arcana when it returns.

I promise, the story will continue.