also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Wow, Genn! These are /beautiful/ visuals, for the words of the Telling. I love it!

I have to admit, the first panel really creeped me out at first. I thought, looking at it, that the one hand was undead, and the thought of a world where undeath was part of the core essence of the world at its inception, there in the void, really bothered me. But I can see now that it was meant to be life and /death/, not /undeath/. (And I must say, I love that the hand of life appears to be that of a PoC!)

So, just my little shout out to our hardworking artist extraordinaire! Way to go!

J, really looking forward to seeing the Telling unfold!