also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "motub"

Quote from Guest:
Guest post by "Anonymous"
Is it just me or does the bottom left look like a Dominic Deegan cameo.
Not just you (that was the first thing I thought as well), but naturally it's Kludge. Guess they just have a similar "nerdy" look about them :-) .

I'm really curious as to whether the blue bow(tie)s are meaningful in some way, or just decoration, matching for some reason. I'm very excited to "hear" the Telling. And to find out who's significant for the next chapter. I kinda hope it's Surgeon, as I'd really like to know how it's adjusting to the Inn, and how the residents are adjusting to it. Or maybe the Grey conman, since he may be able to shed light on the conspiracy that Quincy is hiding from (which is an issue that I'm sure that Chrys will want to investigate with due haste). 

Whatever happens, I'm looking forward to it!