also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Welcome to the intermission! We'll running a Q&A, answering questions that readers have sent my way. The art was provided by the talented Tiffany Munro, creator of the brilliant and digitally painted webcomic, Between Places.

There will be ten pages of the Q&A. One on March 1st and 2nd (Thursday and Friday), five the next week (March 5th-9th), and then finally, three more the week after (March 12th-14th). The comic will resume with Chapter 4 the next day, Thursday, March 15th. The next chapter will be an origin story, explaining what the arcana are and where they came from, how the Royal Road was created, and what makes a Key a Key.

I'm only going to be doing one blog entry for the entire ten page series. So, all comments for the Question series should be attached to this one. If you have follow-up questions based on the answers given in the comic, I'll do my best to answer them in the comments section.