also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "David"
really? the picture perfect horrors live in a decaying industrial factory? Not in a suburb with neatly trimmed lawns and two-car garages? Truly, everything about them is unexpected. This is going to be interesting.

There are numerous comments about the art here, but nobody has really gotten to the essence of the issue. We've come to know Theresa as being angsty, rough around the edges, with hair in her face; determined, experienced, and skeptical, and quite masculine. Sarrah and Keith both effectively drew those characteristics into her personality -- she looked that way in the drawings. And the drawings helped develop her character to be the Theresa we know.

Jessica's depiction of Theresa makes her look innocent, even naive. Her hair no longer falls in her face; she looks well-kempt, and not at all rough around the edges. She's lost her masculinity and her angst. It's just not the same character.

Also, William (dogboy) is colored so dark that it's difficult to see him. I have to turn my screen brightness up to see him. But although he is difficult to see, I think Jessica is doing a fine job capturing his personality... although he looks too angry when he doesn't need to be angry.

I think Jessica is perfectly capable of drawing an angsty, skeptical, masculine, scruffy Theresa. She hasn't done so yet, but I wish she would try.