also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "Ayra"

I'm mostly curious about where the brick came from personally: If they got bricks they should use them instead of rotten wood for their homes! Although, knocking people out with rotten wood wouldn't work terribly well, so maybe they have things in order after all.

And nah, I don't think Dog Boy has betrayed Theresa. If William really had betrayed her, he wouldn't have tried to mellow out his blow in the first place: He'd just have swung as hard as he could have. Of course, if he did have to knock her out to protect her, odds are that she's not in an entirely safe position either...

I'd say Chris got lucky: Sometime shopping malls are more horrible than bricks to the head, but that doesn't seem to be her case there...

And for the references, well... I still stand by my point that I'm blind to them!