also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Oh!  I thought it was all done purposefully to torture us for JGrey and Keith's perverse pleasure.  I check the page and read J's comment, then spend half the night refreshing the page, dying to see what he's talking about.  Refreshing and throwing vile comments at my computer.  Then all of a sudden, there's the new page!   And I am happy!  A little cartoon sun rises, and little birds wearing top hats sing, and tiny unicorns dance across my desk (this is all done in carebear animation in my mind because I have absolutely no artistic talent).  And then I reach the bottom of the page..............     What's Next!!!!!    The torture begins anew!!!!!!!!!!  I think JGrey and Keith are evil!  I know for a fact Keith is!