also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Wild ride is no joke!  I was under the impression that Theresa's dad died recently, and if that's true, then shortly after, she loses Debbie and feel guilty , small wonder she even cared to go where no one would find her body to end her pain. 

The flash backs in this strip are phenomenal.  First the flash back of Chrys and her mom looking like some aged photographs, then reflections in the water of Chrys's parents being dorks, and now we have black and white memories in dead girl goo.  Creative, very creative.  Having this scene take up the whole page only makes it more moving. The shades in the coloring really brings out a feel for the background that doesn't distract from the intensity of the image of Debbie comforting Theresa.  But seriously, is Debbie wearing a strapless dress to a funeral!?!?!