also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "Peaches"
True. King James' translation simplified a lot of the original text,( and incidentally caused the death of thousands, if not millions ), and changed it to match the verbiage of the times. The original in Hebrew reads roughly "You shall do no murder." which was changed to "Thou shalt not kill." Pretty big difference between those, especially when you look at the number of times God sent his children into battle to both die and kill.

Plus there's the argument that the Commandments, while a really good set of rules to live by, weren't actually given by the Lord to the world, but were instead given to Moses to pass to the children of Israel, whom He had brought out of slavery and taken on the path to the promised land, and who had begun to worship idols.