also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Adamas: While the Fool is the first card of the Major Arcana it felt to me that the transformer should be the herald of a change in the status of existence.

Bruudwin: Welcome back! We are alive! Sorry for leaving you for so long.

Gunsolo: You are correct! We showed Death's 'death' in part sixteen. Timelines are always a strange issue when dealing with all-powerful entities but I can say for sure that the pages are happening in chronological order. The Transformer was dead then but is battling now. This point will become important in upcoming pages. Good eye!

Beekay: Always happy to see you  happy! Thank you for reading. We're very glad to have you with us.