also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Guest post by "Jeyl"

Quote from JGray:
Jeyl, you won't be satisfied until I put up a comic called "the Adventures of Baby Chrys" are you? Smile

Oh, no sir. While I do like hearing about a character's history and how when it all boils down to her birth, we as readers get a better understanding of what kind of upbringing Chrys had. We just didn't get to see any of it! While she does delve into how she was brought up, but we don't get a single flash back image of her when she was a child, even though we got plenty of images of Mr Master, but he looks and sounds like a jerk. I don't care about Quest, I care about Chrystalline! Anyways, back to the subject at hand. I have several theories, but----

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Oh, you son of a glitch. Leash your surgical dog JGray or I'll rip his appendages off and use his body as an XXL POG slammer. I just know he'll support that.