also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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It's Been a While


I'm not sure how many of you lovely folks out there still visit the site, but it's been 5 years since Mysteries of the Arcana went on hiatus.

Unfortunately, with J's busy schedule, there's no telling when we'll find time to finish out what we were working on.

A lot of big things have happened to me, personally, since then. In late 2020 I came out as transgender, so hi again everyone! I'm Keira, the artist formerly known as Keith W. I've moved across the country, and life has had its ups and downs.

The other day, I pinned down J long enough to have a chat about something that's been ticking around in my noggin for a while, and got his blessing and permission to keep the site going, and tell a new story, using the world, characters, and settings that we established with Mysteries of the Arcana over its run.

To be clear, this is not going to be a one-shot or short story, this is a whole new arena of stories revolving around some new characters. But fear not! There will be more than a few familiar faces!

To me, MotA has always been,at its core, a story about love, growth, and self-discovery, and those themes are what I want to stick to, and I have some stories of my own that I want to tell that follow those themes, but will take us all to new places, and you will meet new faces to bring the story to life.

This comic was my first big foray into the world of comic creation, and I've worked on a lot of projects since, but this place always feels like home. I am glad to be returning to it, even if it's not the way I'd originally planned.

I am working with a long-time fan and writer, Sabrena Pattat, on this, to help bring this vision to life. We're in the early writing and planning stages, so we aren't looking to drop the first chapter just yet, but we are spitballing for around the start of 2025.

Thank you all for all the years of love and support, and I look forward to where we go from here.

Keira W.