also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Sorry sorry

Sorry, folks. One of the realities of running a webcomic is that the artist's job is never full time. There are often many things more pressing and, quite frankly, more important for the continued survival and happiness of the creative team. In other words, sometimes life gets in the way of the comic. This was one of those weeks. I'm sorry we're only doing one comic this week instead of two.

As today's page reveals, this chapter is going to give you guys a LOT of information. You'll learn about the origin of the arcana, why keys ARE keys, and a little bit more about who the dreamers are. In addition, you'll learn more about the Royal Road.

Don't forget, we're running a contest. The details are in the last journal entry but they basics are that we're asking for fan art (drawings, poetry, stories, animations, cosplay photos... whatever bit of creativity tickles your fancy) and the top three that capture the spirit of the comic, as judged by me and Genn, will get a special prototype Mysteries of the Arcana tarot card! So far, we have no entries. I hope to get at least three by the deadline, which is mid-May.

See you next week!