also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Things Just Done Got Serious


More than one of you predicted that Mister Mist and Mister Eerie, hereby known as Mister Misteerie, were in fact the same person. How right you were. Just maybe not in the way you thought! Things just got a little stranger in the Hanged Man.

So, here I am, working on the next chapter. In some ways, it will be a follow-up on chapter 5 as the team seeks more information about why Baron Sir and his lackies invaded the Inn. At least part of it will take place on the Moon, Mandrake's home arcana. I'm taking some inspiration from heist shows/movies such as Leverage and Ocean's 11.

My question to you? What would you, the reading audience of Mysteries of the Arcana. like to see in chapter seven? Nothing's out of bounds yet. Let me know. Side note, Chrys and Theresa will both be turning eighteen between this chapter and the next.

See you Thursday!

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "HolyDragonBlade"
I feel like the side note makes your question about Ch7 a leading question ;P

Submitted February 22, 2016 at 7:09PM


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Guest post by "Kringles"
Bang Bang, she shot him down...

Just wanted to make a prediction with a reference.

Submitted February 22, 2016 at 11:15PM


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Guest post by "fairportfan"

Yeah.  Do not attack the GF of a young woman with a nine millimeter in hand.


Turning eighteen, huh?

More lesbian elf kisses?

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 1:08AM


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Guest post by "Adamas"
Oddly enough, how about meeting Mandrake's parents just for the giggle factor. (And that would just so HAPPEN to mean a high probability of more Mandrake)

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 1:52AM


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Guest post by "mythtress"
Hard to say what should come next, when I'm not sure yet how this is going to resolve, but Smile  I loved Leverage -- going to the Moon would be pulling off an inverted White Rabbit?  Should be great fun!  Would Surgeon's cyberspace (like we saw in Ch 5) be just as susceptible to shifting illusion, or immune somehow?

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 8:06AM


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Guest post by "six"

Would be nice to see something that deepens their relationship even more. 

Mainly thinking they'd learn even more about each other but I suppose some cute snuggling wouldn't be bad either.

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 2:09PM


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Guest post by "Lukkai"
See at least one well-meant, but totally inappropriate (funnily so, for us readers at least) birthday present and Theresa and/or Chrys fussing over it.

Double points if the one fussing over it is teased by the other about it.

Submitted February 24, 2016 at 4:42AM

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