also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!



I'm afraid Keith has gotten hit by a one two punch. First illness and then the ice storm that is crippling much of the south. End result is he couldn't finish up today's page in time. I apologize to everyone for the interruption. We'll post the next page of Mysteries of the Arcana as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile, Blair B of Star Cross'd Destiny has sent us this epic, amazing pinup of bad-ass Chrys to use as filler. I am freaking impressed. You can check out her comic, of course, or her Kickstarter which has a ton of cool rewards both from her comic and her alt rock band.

Also, please remember that during our hiatus we'll be running Webcomic Trailers! Got a webcomic, game, or indy book you want to promote? Create a one page "trailer" poster for it telling MotA readers why they should read/play your work. These are like movie trailers for indy web projects (except, you know, a single image instead of a video) so make it compelling! We'll be posting up to thirteen trailers so first come, first serve. The trailers need to be 650x1054 and 72dpi, saved in JPG format and sent to mysteriesofthearcana (at) gmail (dot) com by March 3rd.

See you soon!

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the leaking pen

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "the leaking pen"
Hope you feel better Keith!  Not sure where I commented a couple months ago that I was going to read this comic finally got around to catching up! Love the story so far, can't wait to see where it goes. 

Submitted February 12, 2014 at 10:14PM


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Guest post by "Fairportfan"
"I will now rip your head off ... and then I will pour a large-economy-size can of 300-proof Grade-A whupass down your neck..."

Submitted February 13, 2014 at 1:21AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Gunsolo"
Wow, that is seriously bad-ass.
Reminds me a little of Zintiel from Flaky Pastry (probably because of the grin). Now I have a whole new archive to go through this weekend. Smile

I hope Keith gets well soon.

Also, Filler:

Submitted February 13, 2014 at 11:00AM


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Guest post by "Adamas"
You also need to check out the band's Music. Seriously killer stuff.

Submitted February 14, 2014 at 11:17AM


 Quote  Reply     

Leaking Pen, welcome! Thank you for reading through the archives. We're glad to have you with us.

And I agree with Adamas. Check out the band!

Submitted February 14, 2014 at 8:56PM

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